


郑明胜 本科毕业于西安交通大学,博士毕业于北京科技大学,清华大学博士后,现为天津科技大学化工与材料学院副教授,目前主要研究领域:(1) 聚合物基纳米复合电介质材料(储能、芯片封装);(2) 本征型高/低介电材料;(3) 功能型电介质材料(传感器、软体机器人、无磁电机等)。一作和通讯文章24篇,被引1200余次;申请国家发明专利11项,授权4项;为Elsevier出版英文书籍《Dielectric Polymer Materials for High-Density Energy Storage》和Wiley出版《Ferroelectric Materials for Energy Applications》撰写章节。2019年获教育部自然科学一等奖。主持国自然重大研究计划-培育项目、佛山市人民政府科技创新专项资金项目、清华大学国家重点实验室开放课题;参与国自然基金重点项目和面上项目、国家电网公司科技项目等


1. 中国复合材料学会介电高分子复合材料与应用专业委员会委员。

2. 中国电工技术学会工程电介质专业委员会委员。

3. 四川东材科技集团股份有限公司技术中心专家委员会委员。

4. 第二届全国电子材料与器件大会(2023.10.13-15)第四论坛(电介质材料)组织/学术委员。


1. Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Xinmo Wang, Baoquan Wan, Mengyu Xiao, Meng Cheng, Yiyi Zhang, Jun-Wei Zha*, Multilayer BOPET dielectric film with internal double electron barrier for high temperature applications[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 123, 202904.SCI, IF=4,二区)

2. Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Xinmo Wang, Baoquan Wan, Mengyu Xiao, Meng Cheng, Yiyi Zhang, Jun-Wei Zha*, Sandwich-structured BOPET films with high energy density and low loss for high temperature film capacitors[J]. APL Materials, 2023, 11, 101111.SCI, IF=6.1区)

3. Ming-Sheng Zheng, Shaojie Zhou, Xinmo Wang, Lei Gao, Understanding epitaxy of graphene: From experimental observation to density functional theory and machine learning[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134, 090901.SCI, IF=3.2区)

4. Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Weiwei Lu, Xing Yang and Zhi-Min Dang, Enhanced breakdown strength of the BaTiO3/polypropylene nanocomposite film based on the biaxial stretching process[J]. IET Nanodielectrics, 2023, 1-6. (SCI, IF=2.7)

5. Ming-Sheng Zheng, Chong Zhang, Yu Yang, Zhao-Liang Xing, Xin Chen, Shao-Long Zhong and Zhi-Min Dang. Improved dielectric properties of PVDF nanocomposites with core-shell structured BaTiO3@polyurethane nanoparticles[J]. IET Nanodielectrics, 2020, 3(3): 94-98.(SCI, IF=2.7)

6. Ming-Sheng Zheng, Yu-Ting Zheng, Jun-Wei Zha*, Yu Yang, Peng Han, Yong-Qiang Wen and Zhi-Min Dang*, Improved dielectric, tensile and energy storage properties of surface rubberized BaTiO3/Polypropylene nanocomposites[J]. Nano Energy, 2018, 48,144-151. SCI, IF=17.6,一区)

7. Ming-Sheng Zheng, Jun-Wei Zha*, Yu Yang, Peng Han, Chao-He Hu, Yong-Qiang Wen and Zhi-Min Dang*, Polyurethane induced high breakdown strength and high energy storage density in polyurethane/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composite films[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110(25): 252902. SCI, IF=4,二区)

8. Ming-Sheng Zheng, Jun-Wei Zha*, Yu Yang, Chao-Qun Li, Peng Han, Chao-He Hu, Yong-Qiang Wen and Zhi-Min Dang*, Ductile polymer-based films with ultrahigh permittivity and low dielectric loss[J]. Polymer, 2017, 130: 258-266.  SCI, IF=3.771,二区)

9. Ming-Sheng Zheng, Jun-Wei Zha*, Yu Yang, Peng Han, Chao-He Hu, and Zhi-Min Dang*, Enhanced breakdown strength of poly(vinylidene fluoride) utilizing rubber nanoparticles for energy storage application[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109(7): 072902.SCI, IF=4,二区)

10. 郑明胜, 查俊伟, 党智敏. 新型高储能密度聚合物基绝缘材料[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(16):37-43. EI, IF=1.585

11. Xiaodi Dong, Baoquan Wan, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Langbiao Huang, Yang Feng, Ruifeng Yao, Jinghui Gao, Quan-Liang Zhao*, Jun-Wei Zha*, Dual-effect Coupling for Superior Dielectric and Thermal Conductivity of Polyimide Composite Films FeaturingCrystal-like PhaseStructure[J]. Advanced Materials, 2024, 36(7): 2307804.SCI, IF=29.4,一区)

12. Wentong Wu, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Kejian Lu, Feng Liu, Yan-Hui Song, Maochang Liu* and Zhi-Min Dang*. Thermally conductive composites based on hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets for thermal management: fundamentals to applications[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2023: 107533. (SCI, IF=8.7, 一区)

13. Wentong Wu, Boya Min, Hanbing Li, Feng Liu, Mingsheng Zheng*, Kunpeng Ding, Shijian Lu,* Maochang Liu*. NiFe-LDH coated NiSe/Ni foam as a bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting[J]. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 8, 1711-1718.(SCI, IF=3.9, 二区)

14. Xue-Jie Liu, Shao-Long Zhong, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Zhi-Min Dang, George Chen and Jun-Wei Zha*, Enhanced high-temperature capacitive performance of a bilayer-structured composite film employing a charge blocking layer[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 15(1): 1105-1114. (SCI, IF=9.5,二区)

15. Wentong Wu, Lei Peng, Boya Min, Jie Huang, Saiya Liu, Kejian Lu, Shijian Lu*, Dengwei Jing, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Maochang Liu*, Activated overall water splitting over a Ni-Fe layered double hydroxide electrocatalyst by V doping and sulfuration[J]. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 14 100148.

16. Xue-Jie Liu, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Qian Wang, George Chen, Jun-Wei Zha*, Enhancement of high temperature capacitive performance of sulfone-containing polyimide by suppressing carrier transport[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121, 243902.SCI, IF=4,二区)

17. Xiaodi Dong, Baoquan Wan, Yang Feng, Daomin Min, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Haiping Xu, Zhi-Min Dang, George Chen, Jun-Wei Zha*, Ultra-low-permittivity, high hydrophobic, and excellent thermally stable fluoroelastomer/polyimide composite films employing dielectric reduction[J]. European Polymer Journal, 2022, 181, 111667.SCI, IF=6,二区

18. Xue-Jie Liu, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Qingguo Chi, Yiyi Zhang, Zhi-Min Dang, George Chen, Jun-Wei Zha*, High-temperature energy storage performances of isomer-like polyimide and its thermoplastic polyurethane blending system[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022, 10, 17326-17335.SCI, IF=6.4,二区

19. Xiaodi Dong, Baoquan Wan, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Haiping Xu, Jiefeng Gao, George Chen, Jun-Wei Zha*, Emerging ionic liquid-induced porous polyimide films toward ultralow permittivity, improved hydrophobic and electromagnetic wave absorption[J]. Polymer, 2022, 260, 125382.SCI, IF=4.6,二区

20. Baoquan Wan, Xiaodi Dong, Xing Yang, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, George Chen, Jun-Wei Zha*, High strength, stable and self-healing copolyimide for defects induced by mechanical and electrical damages[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022, 10, 11307-11315.SCI, IF=6.4,二区

21. Xue-Jie Liu, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Gang Wang, Yi-Yi Zhang, Zhi-Min Dang, George Chen, Jun-Wei Zha*, High energy density of polyimide films employing an imidization reaction kinetics strategy at elevated temperature[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 10950-10959.SCI, IF=11.9,二区

22. Xue-Jie Liu, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, George Chen, Zhi-Min Dang*, Jun-Wei Zha*, High-temperature polyimide dielectric materials for energy storage: theory, design, preparation and properties[J]. Energy & Environmental Science, 2022, 15, 56-81. SCI, IF=32.5高被引论文

23. Xiaodi Dong, Mingsheng Zheng*, Baoquan Wan, Xuejie Liu, Haiping Xu, Junwei Zha*, Low-Permittivity Copolymerized Polyimides with Fluorene Rigid Conjugated Structure[J]. Materials, 2021, 14, 6266.SCI, IF=3.4

24. Yu Yang, Zhan-Sheng Gao, Minhao Yang, Ming-Sheng Zheng*, Dong-Rui Wang, Jun-Wei Zha, Yong-Qiang Wen and Zhi-Min Dang*Enhanced energy conversion efficiency in the surface modified BaTiO3 nanoparticles/polyurethane nanocomposites for potential dielectric elastomer generators[J]. Nano Energy, 2019, 363–371. SCI, IF=17.6,一区)

25. Yue-Mao Dang, Ming-Sheng Zheng* and Jun-Wei Zha, Improvements of dielectric properties and energystorage performances in BaTiO3/PVDF nanocomposites by employing a thermal treatment process[J]. Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, 2018, 8, 1850043. ESCI